Arab allies of the US, including Saudi Arabia have launched airstrike missiles in Syria. News announced this morning that 14 Islamic State targets were hit, including the group’s fighters, training camps, headquarters and command-and-control facilities, and armed vehicles.
President Obama is scheduled to speak on the airstrike this morning. Hit the jump to check out the live stream.

“Tonight, the international community has joined our fight against ISIS in Syria,” he said in a statement. “We have called for airstrikes such as those that commenced tonight with a heavy heart and deep concern, as these strikes begin in our own homeland. We insist that utmost care is taken to avoid civilian casualties.”
The military states that following the bombings, “all aircraft safely exited the strike areas.”
“To defeat ISIS, we must cut off the head of the snake, which exists in Syria,” Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, said in a statement late Monday. “I support the administration’s move to conduct airstrikes against ISIS wherever it exists.”

SOURCE: Fox News